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This is a good read for those who are interested in thermal engineering. Here's a summary of what this article covers: 1) The author provides a definition of thermal engineering, information on the role and scope of the field, as well as how it differs from other fields such as mechanical engineering and civil engineering. 2) The article then briefly discusses some turbulence-related examples from aviation that can be seen in real life, such as wind shear turbulence or wake vortexes. It also delves into airplane wing design as another example that is relevant to this field. 3) After going through these examples, the author provides an informative discussion about how thermodynamics can be applied to structures and materials. This includes discussions of emissivity, convection, radiation, and the thermodynamic laws that are applicable to these processes. 3) The article then goes on to detail how these laws can be used to determine the temperatures of a system at different times. 4) Another important topic that is discussed is heat transfer. This includes heat transfer in the case of a convection-dominated system and a radiation-dominated system. It also discusses a bit about internal heat transfer in a plate with fins. A good amount of information is provided about the specific properties that play into each scenario and how they can be calculated using boundary conditions or by using Fourier's law. 5) The article then delves into the topic of geometric thermodynamics. Here, the author provides a detailed discussion of how thermal conductivity can be applied to determine the rate of heat transfer in different geometries. 6) Following this discussion, the author discusses different methods that can be used to calculate heat transfer. These include diffusion-controlled methods, mass transfer methods, and material processes such as phase change or crystallization. 7) The article then goes on to discuss heat exchangers and multi-phase systems. It also discusses some uncommon phenomena such as boiling and condensation in mixtures of different fluids with various phases, which is relevant to cryogenic systems such as refrigerators and cryostats. 8) The author then provides some information on how thermal engineering is applied to different systems. These range from cryogenic applications, to aerospace applications, to electronics, and even some medical applications. 9) A summary is then provided that discusses the role of thermal engineering in different areas such as industries that rely on heat transfer processes for their operations. This article provides a good overview of what thermal engineering is and how it can be applied to various systems that we encounter in everyday life. It would be a useful starting point for those who want to learn more about this field and how it can be applied to the world around us. http://www.natureimirroringlab. com/PDFs_and_Materials/Thermal_Engineering.pdf http://www.thegreenbrief. cfa1e77820